Hey everyone,
It has already been said on a fe different posts, but based on the number of people signing up im guessing most people have missed the memo.Therefore, I wanted to give it another go to give everyone a chance to get in.
If you love poker and love the LCB community why not sign up to play in the poker tournies that will hopefully be happening soon. Now im sure you have some questions so lets see if i cant answer a few.
When are these events?
Well none are scheduled yet. Its pending community interest.
What can be won at these events?
so far this is also unknown. However, my best guess over whats been discussed is it would be lcb credits. Which if you have paypal then thats as good as cash with the 25 cash to paypal option!!
Where would we play?
The games would be played at Pokerstars.com's poker room under the home games tab so entry would be paid using the free chips at pokerstars.
What can everyone do to help make this happen?
Simple just head over to
and make a post to let Blueday know your interested on getting in on these type of games
Thanks for taking the time to read this, Hope to see you all at the tables!
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