I'm deeply thankful for many things during this year!
It's hard to imagine that one virus can simply alter the fate of humanity but with it came unwavering prudence, change and our in-depth understanding to keep moving forward!
Our determination and will has kept us standing with our families, our loved ones and our relatives since this pandemic started. I'm forever greatful that we're able to spend time with each other even if it's from a distance or call away! Thank you Zoom for making that possible!
It's been over 8 months that we've survived this pandemic! I'm greatful that we have front-liners keeping us well to battle this deadly virus, soldiers who've stood their ground to help us keep it safe and scientists who have spent countless hours on researching for the world's long awaited vaccine!
Months are still ahead of us before this cure can be fully utilized and for us to make it this far to survive without it is one achievement we can call our own.
Let's not forget the people who've passed away from this pandemic, let us remember their sacrifices and what they've done for us!
During this pandemic, we were always focused on work and never had the chance to apprehend things that required our attention. What we were blinded the most is our ways for material acquisition, our greed, our own selves! I'm thankful that this pandemic gave us the purpose to slow down from our busy lives to spend more time with our families/loved ones and to be able to look beneath our inner selves! Self-reflection!
To the casinos and websites online, I'm happy that you exist to help us cope with this outbreak, without the means for entertainment how can we get by?
There is one website that we all should be thankful for! This recognition goes to our beloved LCB!
You've been here from the very beginning, way before the pandemic to support us! Your doors were never closed, they were wide open to all of us, always reaching out whenever we had a problem, always offering something refreshing which we could not find or never had anywhere else and always gave us educative information from your videos!
I'm greatful that all of us can still enjoy another flip of a river, a pull of a slot, an unexpected blackjack and a mega win that'll echo throughout our lives!
To conclude, I'm very greatful for all the many good changes that happened in 2020!
As I'm canadian and not american, in a political example I'm still greatful for Trump stepping down so that Biden can step in to fix everything! If Trump is still in power, American will be at his mercy! His downplay on the virus cost many lives!
Even if 2020 wasn't great for all of us there will always be another year to look forward to! Let's all be greatful that 2021 will soon be upon us to welcome better things to come!
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