For some time now, I have been researching casino rules and how they operate within their terms..
I recently discovered that 80% of the largest online casino groups are linked together through a database and use the same company for KYC processing... After evaluating several complaints on casino forums and observing the justifications given by the casinos saying that a certain customer did not pass the security filters, I came to the conclusion that the decisions are based on this database where the customer's history is stored in several casinos...some accounts that were previously verified are being reviewed and banned for practices that are not in accordance with the terms of each casino, this explains the long wait in account verifications that are currently taking many days to be finalized,..
This all explains when a casino says that a certain customer did not pass the internal security filters and had their account closed... That's why it's important to be careful, if you do something illegal in a casino your name will go into a negative database and you may have your account closed in several casinos...
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