This is the exact reason why most have said that it's preferable to open up a second wallet to send and recieve payments from online casinos. Use Coinbase to buy and sell your coin. Yet make sure you have a second wallet such as or some other place that you trust. To transfer the coin to your online casino of choice. Mainly because apparently Coinbase has pegged which online wallets are popular with online casinos.
Hence how they have figured out your using it for online gambling. Trust me it's not Coinbase who really cares about your online financial activity anyways. If they had it there way, Bitcoin would be used as it should be as a coin that can be used for anything without any limits. Yet because of our lovely US government in place, pretty much they have to abide by certain rules.
Sorry to break it to you since you've been warned once and your getting more transfers today. You might have your account suspended. Now granted they'll let you transfer your coins elsewhere, but still you'll have to find another option to buy and sell your coin.
Let's hope they look the other way today as you only did get the warning this morning, but we shall wait and see.
But the above mentioned process is pretty simple, buy your coin with Coinbase, transfer said coins to your wallet, then transfer to casino. Yes it's an extra step, but then that way your not directly doing anything casino related from Coinbases wallet. Then the withdrawal process would be the same, transfer coin to's wallet, then transfer your coin to Coinbase then sell.
Hope this helps.
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