Innovative lottery eGaming platform, built upon cutting edge Blockchain technology, is going to launch massive coin offering, totaling 15,000 Ether Tokens – equal to $5 million. Wild Crypto developers are planning to push their product and the ICO will begin on Tuesday, 5th September at 08:00 GMT.
The investors will be given a chance to bid for the new platform currency, known as WILD Tokens, at a reduced rate of 2000:1 – meaning 1 Ether for 2000 WILD Tokens. Once the revolutionary gaming platform is up and ready, WILD Tokens will be exchanged at a much smaller rate 100:1 against Ether, offering a 20x financial gain.
The platform is still in progress, and it’s being designed to muck up the amazing $260 billion lottery and conjoined games market, thus offering a more open and honest experience, allowing players to cash-out in either Bitcoin or Ether.
The platform development is being supervised by a team of industry experts, which is assembled and gathered by Wild Crypto. Frank Pira, Andrew Jarrett and Kiri Cavill are the project’s main superintendents. Lottery specialist, Twelve40, provides the accredited back-end technology for the new platform, which will be regulated via Jersey and Curacao licences.
The ethereum blockchain could well revolutionize the industry and form a new generation of lottery and gaming. Wild Crypto is supported by an experienced crew of gaming and blockchain specialists and the ICO (initial coin offering) should raise enough funds to deliver the exquisite platform on time. Subscribers can also enjoy an enormous reduction in cost on the Tokens.
"Blockchain eGaming Platform Wild Crypto Announces $5 Million ICO",, August 29, 2017.