VIP Club Casino Review


Talking about why we are yet to see aliens, there’s one theory that I’m sure many alien-friendly people would find devastating. There’s The Rare Earth hypothesis in which scientists claim that the development of life as it is on Earth was the result of a geological and astrophysical event so cosmically random yet so specific down to the smallest detail, that it is very unlikely for a comparable civilization to have come into being anywhere else in the universe. The chances of there being another race of intelligent and industrious living things are about the same as you winning the lottery, bingo and slots jackpots every single day for the rest of your life and then dying on the morning of your 200th birthday after getting struck directly in the face by Doc Brown’s time train. In the Earth’s case, if the orbit was 5% smaller or 15% larger we would all burn or freeze to death. Then, we all know the role other planets and our Moon play for the life on Earth. Even the sequences of geologic eras have a crucial part – if any had happened in different order, humans might not exist at all or there would exist a race of dinosaur humans. Imagine that?!

Still, who knows what we would (or would not) find on our cosmic quest. I looked for an answer playing the “Cosmic Quest – Mission Control” slot at VIP Club Casino. The slot didn’t have anything to offer but dead spins. I have nothing to say about it; I was taught to keep my mouth shut when I don’t have anything nice to say. I wanted to stay in the same mind frame so I played the “Cosmic Quest – Mystery Planets” slot. It was much better but that wasn’t too hard comparing to the first slot I played. I had some nice wins and then, I triggered 10Free Spins with a x2 multiplier - and I won €11.42. I got to trigger the Bonus Round winning pathetic €0.40 and then I got another 10 Free Spins but this time I got devastating €0.54. I wanted to play more so I decided to try another islot “A Switch in Time” and it was so bad that I really wanted to turn back time and undo my deeds regarding these slot choices. It was all dead spins and then I triggered 12 Free Spins with x3 multiplier. I won €2.91; it was a definite sign to stop playing.

After all those unfortunate happenings with alien-themed slots I rather believe that we haven’t made contact with any alien civilization because there’s nothing to contact.
