Brazil's Gambling Legislation Vote May Be Delayed Due to Changing Priorities and Social Concerns


In a significant development for Brazil's gambling industry, the journey to legalize casinos, bingo, jogo de bicho, and betting on horseracing has hit a potential roadblock. The proposed legislation, PL 2,234/2022, has been making its way through the corridors of power, but recent events suggest that the path to legalization might face delays.

A Critical Vote

The story began on 19 June, when the Justice and Citizenship Commission cast a crucial vote on PL 2,234/2022. In a closely contested decision, the bill was approved by a narrow margin of 14 votes to 12. This approval was seen as a pivotal moment in Brazil’s push to regulate its gambling industry, setting the stage for further deliberations in the Senate.

Originally, the plan was to bring the bill before the full Senate once it reconvened on 1 August after its recess. The anticipation was high, with many stakeholders eager to see how the Senate would handle this landmark piece of legislation. However, the narrative took an unexpected turn when reports surfaced that Senate President Rodrigo Pacheco had other priorities.

According to recent updates from CNN, Senate President Pacheco has placed a higher priority on issues related to taxation and state debt rather than the gambling bill. This shift in focus has led to speculation that the vote on PL 2,234/2022 might be postponed until October. This delay, if it materializes, would push the discussion on gambling legalization beyond the first round of municipal elections scheduled for 6 October.

The postponement could be more than a mere procedural delay; it reflects a broader political context where fiscal matters are taking precedence over legislative reforms in the gambling sector. This development has stirred a mix of reactions among legislators, industry players, and the public, all of whom are watching closely to see how the situation unfolds.

Upcoming Senate Debate

On 8 August, the Senate will hold a thematic debate on the bill. Chaired by Senator Irajá Abreu, this session aims to address the remaining issues surrounding PL 2,234/2022. Key points of discussion will include measures to strengthen the bill against potential organized crime involvement and to enhance anti-money laundering provisions. The debate is expected to provide clarity on whether the bill will be voted on as initially planned or if it will indeed face a postponement.

The potential delay in the gambling bill is also influenced by social and political pressures. Evangelical groups within the Senate have voiced concerns that legalizing gambling could exacerbate issues of addiction in Brazil. These concerns add another layer of complexity to the legislative process, as lawmakers must balance the benefits of a regulated gambling market with the potential social impact.

While the fate of the casino and betting legislation hangs in the balance, other aspects of Brazil’s gambling regulation are advancing. The Ministry of Finance’s Secretariat of Prizes and Bets (SPA) has recently published the final regulations for sports betting and igaming. Normative Ordinance No 1,207 clarifies which online games will be permitted under the new regulations.

This final set of regulations, completed in April, outlines critical aspects such as monitoring and inspection, state allocations, responsible gambling practices, and sanctions. These regulations set the stage for Brazil’s regulated sports betting and igaming market, which is set to launch on 1 January 2025.

The Road Ahead

As Brazil navigates this complex legislative terrain, the potential delay in the casino and betting bill reflects the intricate dynamics of policy-making. While the road to legalization may face obstacles, the progress in other areas of gambling regulation demonstrates a commitment to modernizing the industry. The coming months will be pivotal in shaping the future of Brazil’s gambling landscape, with key decisions expected to define the trajectory of this evolving sector.


''Brazil casinos and gaming senate vote could be delayed until October'', August 07, 2024.